Introduction to Medicine Buddha Healing with Lama Tendar 17/3/20

medicine buddha

Medicine Buddha is the Enlightened Supreme Healer, King of Aquamarine Light. The Medicine Buddha mantras are powerful purification’s of negative karma for both living and those that have passed over. It’s also good for helping animals.

Date: Tuesday 17 March 2020

Time: 6:30pm – 9pm

Cost: $50

Join Lama Tendar for an evening of chanting, guided meditation and contemplation on Great Loving Kindness and Compassion with a $50 contribution to Lama Tendar. Reserve a spot by emailing us at

6:30pm - 9pm: $50

Join us on Tuesday 17th March from 6:30pm - 9pm for an Introduction to Medicine Buddha Healing with Lama Tendar.

6:30pm - 9pm: $50