Sound Healing Workshop 14/4/19

Lama Tendar Inside

This workshop will enhance your skills with sound therapy, through a detailed explanation of how to use the singing bowls to cultivate positive universal healing energy and a positive mind.

Date: Sunday, 14 April 2019

Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm

Cost: $75 for a single session or $130 for the whole day

Address: Our NEW Anahata!
Suite 4 58 Suakin Drive
Georges Heights Headland Park

Food: We kindly ask that participants bring a plate of food to share, especially if you are attending both sound healing and meditation workshops for the whole day.

Optional: Please bring Your own comfortable cushion and/or shawl.

Bookings: To reserve your place, please transfer directly into Lama Tendar’s account (information below) and confirm your attendance with us at

Westpac Bank Account, Medicine Buddha Centre BSB: 033033 Account number: 228264

9:30am - 12:30pm: $75
Whole day - 9:30am - 5pm: $130

Experience a beneļ¬cial transformative energy during the deep relaxation meditation with Lama Tendar.

9:30am - 12:30pm: $75
Whole day - 9:30am - 5pm: $130